Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here is a list of some things about argentina:

sugar packets are three times their normal size
dog walkers all go about around 9am
almost every icecream parlor has specials on wednesdays
flower stands are generally open 24hrs
nobody wants to give change
everybody asks for change
nobody knows why such a shortage of change exists
men only catcall when either they are walking by or you are walking by
foreign women are "appreciated" most in Rosario
every talk show is like The View. everybody just talks at the same time
soft porn is totally acceptable for the general public
sidewalk manners dont really exist, but line manners definitely do
people tend to speak quite directly
most people tend to think they know more about the states than americans
during the spring, this tree with purple flowers is everywhere
argentines love dancers and models and actresses
high rate of anorexia and teen pregnancy
there´s an obsession with anything "european"
guys ride around on bikes selling helado and they all shout "helado" in the exact same way
breakfasts of crackers and jam are somehow romanticized into something delicious
mall food courts sell 12ounce steaks
mcdonalds has dulce de leche icecream instead of chocolate
people are eager to talk to others
acdc is THE rockband
a shocking amount of women wear purple
sleep deprivation.. you get used to it.
being an immigrant is cool, unless you´re from bolivia
"racism doesnt exist in argentina"- my host mom
the 29th of every month is Day of the Gnocchis
sundays are popular days to go to the park
rollerblading lives on strong
salt is missing pepper
coffee is really expensive, even though argentina is just south of the world´s largest producer
has every climate imaginable
old people are always given a seat in the subway or bus
as are pregnant women
hand gestures are a major means of communication
midterm exams dont actually count
shows are called recitals

there´s really so much to say about argentina. these are only a few details that i have noticed. as i think of more things, i´ll add them. i just want to record these things. i feel like i will forget them if i dont..

i go home too soon. hay que aprovechar, che!

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