so why am i eating gelato outside on the streets of munich you may ask? i have no idea. we walked past it. looked at eachother, turned around, and bought freezing gelato and ate it in the freezing cold weather. what? o yeah, it was good.

cartwheels on the streets of munich.

amber and i in a park in munich. i was reading "the seagull" at the time. it for some reason seemed very appropriate.. i have no idea why, but it did. and amber is a closet gangster.. she just doesnt know it.
so, i have alot to say, i feel like, but i think i will save it for another time..
Rachel, it was so good to see you!!
rachel u shood write on here sumore.
i never got a postcard...
This is Kevin. Kevin Rowlett. We were on concerts committee together. Iron & Wine? Tulsa, November 2005? You are my friend and coworker. Anyway, I imitated your and Jo's dance stylings tonight at Strayhorn's 21st.
Points to Nate for his eighth grade-esque brave depiction of the words "some more." But you know that guy and his absurd bafooneries. God love him.
Rachel, your blog has been sucking. It's time for an update. Last I heard, most of America thought you were internet-dead.
Rachel, it would be so good to see MORE of you...WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!! WE WANT MORE!!!(to be chanted to that chant so well loved by all us Stuckeys...Vin Burin, Vin Burin, VIN BURin!!!)
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