Friday, February 2, 2007

on arrival.

so, while i do not want to give a day by day detailed account of the next five months, i do, however want to record a few things which i have done so far.

i.e. i have arrived in germany! tomorrow i leave for austria! whaaa!

also, i am on my friend miriam´s computer and, since it is german, all of the symbols and the y and the z are flip flopped.. thus, if i say zou or mz or something like that, then i am actually trying to say my, and you... also, i will be avoiding symbols at all costs.. you know.. i never realized how much the enlish language uses the letter y. i am going to just type the natural z and zou will see what i mean...

ok, so sazing goodbze was reall dificult. i went through securitz crzing. i felt rather stupid, but i couldnt help it.

i will spare all sorts of tedious details, but lets just saz that i am having sooo much fun and i am chillin in mainz (z was properly placed just then)germany with mz friend miriam. i am verz happz, if a bit jet lagged.

also i have been picking up german better than i thought. i was super nervous about even sazing anzthing, but that seems to have gotten a little better. not much, but a little. the companz i am with has helped that.. thez are quite encouraging..

ok, well i am tired.. jet lag.

üäüäöööü(i love it that i can do that so easy)

1 comment:

nate's myth said...

I left zou a message on zour phone before zou left. I don't think zou got it though. I knew zour German would be alright. llamame pronto.

auf Wiedersehen